Parents » Drop off/ Pick Up Procedures

Drop off/ Pick Up Procedures

Door to Door Drop Off & Pick Up


Please proceed onto eastbound Franklin Street following the guidance of our faculty.  Pull up as far as possible into the curb cut.  Do not get out of your car.  Your child must exit curbside.  As an alternative to the drop off, you are welcome to park in the lot and walk your child across the street at the corner. Please remember that there is no parking or standing in front of school in the morning.

The morning curbside drop off is only to be used by parents dropping off children without the need to get out of the car and assist students.  Under no circumstances should the driver door and/or street side door be opened.


  • Each family has received a number coded card for their vehicle. This card will designate a numbering system for picking up children after school.
  • Please note that there will be NO parking in the main parking lot between 10:30am and 1:30pm due to recess.
  • In order for our system to work well, we strongly discourage you from parking on Franklin Street (between Ela and North Avenue) at least 30 minutes before dismissal.



  • Display your card on dashboard and park in main lot. The lot supervisor will instruct you.
  • If you are picking up children from another family, display only your card on dashboard. The children will be brought to your car, based on your family number.
  • Please be sure your children are aware of which family will be picking them up each day, and what the correct family number is for their pick up.
  • After parking in the lot, please feel free to get out of your car and socialize with friends (until pickup begins). As a courtesy to others, if weather permits, please shut off your engine whenever possible.
  • Enter the lot only from Washington Street. If the lot becomes full; the lot supervisor will cue an equal number of cars, from each direction, on Washington Street.  Cars entering from Ela Street will not be admitted.
  • As you approach the front of the lot, you will be instructed to enter the curb cut. Your children will be waiting for you, and an assistant will help load them.  Please remain in your car during loading.  All children will be loaded via the curbside only.  Do not allow children to enter the car from the street side.
  • When all cars in the curb cut are loaded, you will be asked to depart. It is imperative that you follow behind the car ahead, and do not try to bypass anyone.  You may turn left, or right, onto North Avenue.
  • If your children are not at the curb cut when you pull up you will be asked to pull ahead of the curb cut (still on Franklin Street), and your children will be brought to your car.
  • Please keep in mind that it is against the law to be on a cell phone in a school zone. We ask that you honor that in our community as well.



  • All walkers will be dismissed from the back of the gym only. Under no circumstances should anyone exit school into the gathering space.



  • If you cannot pick up your children, using the normal pickup procedures, for a specific reason (appointments, projects, etc.), you may contact the office and make special arrangements.


Thank you for your compliance.